Should you buy a house with a big tree?

Should You Buy A House With A Big Tree?

If you are in the market for a house, then some of the most important considerations might include the size of the yard and the look and feel of the house. Trees can also be a selling point when it comes to choosing a home, but should you buy a house with a big tree? Mature trees on your property can add charm and natural appeal to the house. However, this decision warrants careful thought, considering both the benefits and challenges that come with owning a house with a large tree. How does the tree affect the property? What are its maintenance needs? How does it enhance the overall living environment? These are all important questions to consider when looking to buy a house with a big tree.

Should You Buy A House With A Big Tree?

If you’d like to move into a house that has a big tree that’s already there without the cost (or effort) of transplanting one, this is a great idea. While taking care of a big tree isn’t for everyone, many homeowners would love to have a big tree on their property.

It’s also important to mention that big trees can be a sign of a healthy garden, and they can also tell you a bit more about what’s going on under the ground.

Do Big Trees Impact The Home Price?

When you think of what impacts the cost of a home, you might think about the type of roof or the type of kitchen counters more than the trees to be found in the yard. But yes, big trees and other large features in the garden can certainly impact the listed sales price of a house.

It can also impact the price of what someone is willing to pay for it. In fact, some people may be willing to fork out big money for big trees. It costs money to have a tree transplanted, and some people are happy to adjust a sales price to exclude the effort of having to do it themselves.

Are Big Trees A Huge Selling Point For Houses?

According to real estate agents, trees can be a major selling point for houses as they help to improve the curb appeal of a home. Having a mature tree on the property means that someone went through some real effort to keep that tree alive. Depending on the tree and its age, it can be a huge draw for prospective homebuyers.

How To Identify The Big Tree

It’s barely enough to say that you’re buying a house with a big tree: it’s just as important to make sure what kind of tree stands on the property. This can take some research, but it’s worth it, and it tells you exactly what the tree is – and what you’re going to need to do to care for it. The good news is that a certified arborist near you can help you identify the type of tree if you are having trouble on your own.

Skipping this research is a bad idea, as you will have little to no idea what you’re dealing with as far as maintenance and tree care.

Finding Out More

Contact a local arborist to learn about what type of condition the tree is in. Tree health is just as important as the type of tree you’re buying with the house. If the conditions aren’t what they should be, now is the time to find out what you can do to improve them.

Is the tree healthy? If not, how much is it going to cost you in time or money to get the tree’s health back up to optimal levels? For the best results and to maintain the tree for years to come, seek the help of a local tree service professional.

Tree Services of Omaha

Tree Services of Omaha, Nebraska is a full-service tree care provider that offers a wide range of arborist services including but not limited to: Tree Removal Services, Tree Trimming, Tree Pruning, Tree and Shrub Shaping, Stump Removal, Stump Grinding, Arborist Consultations, Systemic Tree Injections.

Contact us today for a free estimate!